I have no idea what The Plastic Eulogy is or what it's supposed to mean. It's not the sound of a musician making music, but the sound of a very confused person making noise and being loud.
Some particularly troubled individuals seem to find these sounds likable and musical in some regard.
[ 08.13 - CRL Studios ]
Dreams of Drowning EP
[ 04.13 - CRL Studios ]
Mechanically Separated Beef Parts (single)
12.10 - The Plastic Eulogy
Eviscariot (single)
12.10 - The Plastic Eulogy
Bend Your Machines
06.10 - The Plastic Eulogy
Abusive Technology (single)
05.10 - The Plastic Eulogy
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: V/A -
CRL Studios Presents: Evolution
[ 12.12 - CRL Studios ]
: V/A -
CRL Studios Presents: The Third Wavelength (Life)
[ 06.12 - CRL Studios ]
: V/A -
CRL Studios Presents: The First Wavelength
[ 12.10 - CRL Studios ]
: Lucidstatic -
07.08 - Tympanik Audio
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: no data
Dreams Of Drowning EP
: no data