From a mile in the sky, where insanity is the norm, Denver Colorado, the project formed after a test run to push new gear to the limits, Sumibraxis of Angel of Violence, moved to Colorado to get back into touch with life after a long hiatus in a place not even worth mentioning. He composed his first piece with real gear for the first time.
After a slew of really bad ideas, he figured why not name it after something of meaning, and not something merely marketable: Toothgnasher.
There are two goats Odin used to draw his chariot; Toothgrinder, the sad one, and Toothgnasher, the angry one. Neither one being better than the other, Sumibraxis went with the latter.
Toothgnasher is a strong advocate of community, trust, freedom, and intellect. Though versed in things such as economy, chemistry, computer science, and politics. As musicians, we have a voice, and if we are going to be heard, we had better have something worthwhile to say. It's our duty.
That is the message he wanted to convey.
Strength is more than a few well chosen words, or the ability to beat someone up who is weaker than you. Strength is also the understanding of why you shouldn't pick on everyone, and aid those in need. Intellect, goes beyond school books, college, and so on, it's also the ability to differentiate those that need help, from those that refuse to help themselves, and basically live off handouts throughout life.
It is safe to say the messages and theme of Toothgnasher is not too dissimilar from the message and theme of Angel of Violence. The only difference is this is purely Sumibraxis without the influence of Lucidstatic/Pandora's Black Book. One is more true to the origins of industrial, and Toothgnasher is more club/electronica.
[ 01.12 - CRL Studios ]
: V/A (Angel of Violence) -
CRL Studios Presents: The Third Wavelength (Death)
[ 06.12 - CRL Studios ]
: Static Logic -
Static Logic
[ 03.12 - CRL Studios ]
: Angel of Violence -
Sore EP
[ 12.11 - CRL Studios ]
: Lucidstatic -
Under The Influence Vol. 1
[ 09.13 - CRL Studios ]
: V/A -
CRL Studios Presents: The Third Wavelength (Death)
[ 06.12 - CRL Studios ]
: V/A -
CRL Studios Presents: The Second Wavelength (Light)
[ 09.11 - CRL Studios ]
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